How can I search the Loyola Web Directory?
The LWD supports partial name searches. For example, entering "Li" in the first name field will return results such as Lisa, Linda, and Lindsay. Additionally, you can use the search box on Results under the "Loyola People" section are generated from the LWD database using name, title, and department as search criteria.
How do I update my directory entry?
Follow these steps to update your directory entry:
- Click "Update your directory entry" at the bottom of the LWD page.
- Log in with your UVID and password.
- Note: Employees cannot edit HR information in grey boxes. All other boxes are considered "preferred" data. To modify these fields, check the "Set Preferred" box when making changes.
- Select "Set Preferred Contact Information."
- Update the appropriate fields.
- Check the small boxes to the right of each updated field to override erroneous information.
- Click "Save and View" at the bottom of the page. The updates will appear instantly online.
- To make additional changes, click "Make More Changes" to return to your directory listing and continue editing.
What should I do if I encounter issues updating the Web Directory?
If you experience trouble making changes to the Web Directory, report the issue to ITS here: Report an Issue.