OneDrive Sync & Account Management

OneDrive Sync Support

OneDrive sync allows you to access your files offline by synchronizing files directly with File Explorer. When online, changes made to your OneDrive content will sync automatically.

OneDrive Sync on Windows 10:

  1. If sync is delayed, run the OneDrive Standalone Updater located at: C:\Windows\OneDriveStandaloneUpdater.exe. Find it by typing the file name in the search box next to the Start button.
  2. The update runs in the background without prompts or progress bars. Allow the installation to complete (approximately 1 minute), then restart the PC and relaunch OneDrive.

OneDrive Sync on macOS:

  1. Quit OneDrive by clicking the cloud icon, selecting More, then clicking Quit OneDrive.
  2. Drag the OneDrive application to the Trash.
  3. Reinstall the application from the App Store: OneDrive for macOS.

How to Add Another Account to OneDrive:

If you already have an account signed in to OneDrive and want to add another account, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your OneDrive account at using your University credentials ( and password).
  2. Select the white or blue OneDrive cloud icon in the Windows taskbar notification area.
  3. In the activity center, click More > Settings.
  4. Note: You might need to click the "Show hidden icons" arrow next to the notification area to see the OneDrive icon. If the icon does not appear in the notification area, OneDrive might not be running. Click Start, type OneDrive in the search box, and then click OneDrive in the search results.
  5. In the Settings window, select Account, and then click Add an account.
  6. When OneDrive Setup starts, enter the new account credentials, and then select Sign in.

Need Further Assistance?
If the steps above do not resolve your issue, submit an Incident via the ITS Self-Service portal:

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