Connecting and Setting Up Network Printers

How Do I Request the Setup of a New Network Printer in the Office?

  1. To add a new printer to the network or replace an existing printer on the network, submit a Service Request on the ITS Service Portal here: New Network Printer Request.

How Do Faculty and Staff Connect to a Network Printer?

  1. Faculty and staff can print from any University workstation or personal PC. For personal PCs off-campus, you must be connected to LSA using GlobalProtect before installing or printing.

How Can Student and Students Workers Connect to a Network Printer?

  1. Student Workers can print from any University workstation. A faculty or staff supervisor must request that student employees receive administrator access to the University-owned workstation in order to install the printer. Submit the request here: Admin Access Request Form.
  2. Students are not permitted to use network printers. Refer to the Library's webpage regarding copying and printing services: Library Printing Services.

How Do I Select a Network Printer on a Windows PC?

  1. Open File Explorer (the manila folder icon in your taskbar).
    Note: If you do not see the "File Explorer" icon, type "File Explorer" in the search bar or press the Windows logo Key + E on your keyboard.
  2. Click in the Quick Access bar and type the specific campus printer list:
    • For LSC: \\psls01
    • For WTC: \\pswt01
    • For HSC: \\pshsd01
  3. Press Enter. If your browser opens, you did not enter the path in the correct place.
  4. Once the list of printers appears, click "View" at the top and select "List" for easier navigation.
  5. Double-click the printer you wish to connect to, and approve any prompts.
  6. If prompted for admin access, complete this Admin Access Request Form. Once granted, repeat the steps above.

How Do I Set a Printer as the Default on a Windows PC?

  1. Click Start, then select the Gear icon (Settings).
  2. Click Devices.
  3. Turn off the box under "Let Windows manage my default printer."
  4. Click on a printer in the installed list.
  5. Click Manage, then select Set as Default.

How Do I Select a Network Printer on macOS?

  1. For instructions on adding network printers on macOS, visit: Network Printers on macOS.

How Do I Set a Printer as the Default on macOS?

  1. Command-click (⌘) a printer in the Printers list of the Printers & Scanners pane.
  2. Choose Set Default Printer from the shortcut menu.
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