How Do I Request the Setup of a New Network Printer in the Office?
- To add a new printer to the network or replace an existing printer on the network, submit a Service Request on the ITS Service Portal here: New Network Printer Request.
How Do Faculty and Staff Connect to a Network Printer?
- Faculty and staff can print from any University workstation or personal PC. For personal PCs off-campus, you must be connected to LSA using GlobalProtect before installing or printing.
How Can Student and Students Workers Connect to a Network Printer?
- Student Workers can print from any University workstation. A faculty or staff supervisor must request that student employees receive administrator access to the University-owned workstation in order to install the printer. Submit the request here: Admin Access Request Form.
- Students are not permitted to use network printers. Refer to the Library's webpage regarding copying and printing services: Library Printing Services.
How Do I Select a Network Printer on a Windows PC?
- Open File Explorer (the manila folder icon in your taskbar).
Note: If you do not see the "File Explorer" icon, type "File Explorer" in the search bar or press the Windows logo Key + E on your keyboard.
- Click in the Quick Access bar and type the specific campus printer list:
- For LSC:
- For WTC:
- For HSC:
- Press Enter. If your browser opens, you did not enter the path in the correct place.
- Once the list of printers appears, click "View" at the top and select "List" for easier navigation.
- Double-click the printer you wish to connect to, and approve any prompts.
- If prompted for admin access, complete this Admin Access Request Form. Once granted, repeat the steps above.
How Do I Set a Printer as the Default on a Windows PC?
- Click Start, then select the Gear icon (Settings).
- Click Devices.
- Turn off the box under "Let Windows manage my default printer."
- Click on a printer in the installed list.
- Click Manage, then select Set as Default.
How Do I Select a Network Printer on macOS?
- For instructions on adding network printers on macOS, visit: Network Printers on macOS.
How Do I Set a Printer as the Default on macOS?
- Command-click (⌘) a printer in the Printers list of the Printers & Scanners pane.
- Choose Set Default Printer from the shortcut menu.