Legal name change
Submit Registrar’s official name change request. See their website at: Name Change Request Form
Preferred name change
Current students with access to Locus are eligible to add, edit, or delete a Preferred Name in LOCUS by following the steps below:
- Log into Locus using your UVID and password.
- Click on "Profile" from the Student Homepage.
- Click on “Personal Details.”
- Click on "Add a new name."
- Choose "Preferred" from the name type drop down box.
- Add, edit, or delete preferred name.
- Click “Save.”
Note: Former students are not able to add, edit, or update a preferred name, so must contact the ITS Service Desk by phone.
To learn more about all the places preferred names will be available, please visit: Preferred Name FAQ
Typographical error
Contact the Registrar by email:
Note: If you are a student worker and your Locus account name is correct, but incorrect in email or other resources, please have your immediate supervisor contact Human Resources to correct it. Visit: Human Resources Contact
What to expect with these processes
Resources such as Locus and Outlook may need 24 – 48 hours to display the change.
Changing your name will not affect your email address or UVID. That requires a separate request, which you can submitted in the ITS Self Service Portal.